Our Story

In the Heart of the Northeast Kingdom

Members of Jess’s family have lived and worked on Wilder Farm for over 200 years. For several generations, it was a dairy farm and a well-known breeder of Milking Shorthorn cattle.  We want to continue the Simpson family legacy of hard work and stewardship of the land.


For the past ten years, we’ve tried our hand at a laundry list of ventures: Produce Delivery, Pastured Chickens, Eggs, Goat Milk and Dried Beans. We’ve settled on what we love to do: Growing amazingly tasty, healthy produce for ourselves and our neighbors through a CSA, Farmstand, Farmer’s Market and Wholesale.

Our produce is grown using organic and sustainable practices that increase soil fertility and decrease soil disturbance. Some of the practices we employ are:

  • no-till intensive growing, including the use of cover crop rotation, mulching and tarping
  • organic methods, including the use of organic fertilizers, compost and potting soils, as well as integrated pest management
  • energy independence through the use of solar greenhouse fans, electric riding mower and gravity-fed water pump

We are committed to growing delicious, healthy food for ourselves and our community, as well as offering educational opportunities for area students.  We are also proud to partner with Neighbors in Action and Salvation Farms, helping reduce food insecurity for Vermonters. We look forward to another great year of growth, health and community!

-Jess Simpson, Justin Krause, Wilson, Ben, Gracie and RayRay

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